Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Decision

I have a certain belief that each of us are given signs to guide us. (From who or what is up to you to decide.) If a particular topic continues to pop up in my life, I feel the need to follow it through and see where it leads.

For Christmas, Santa brought the family a Wii Fit. It's a blast. I love it. I like that it automatically tracks your progress and there's a variety of exercises to do. I like the running, but running in place I don't like. How would I do if I actually ran?

About a month or so ago, I received a postcard in the mail about a beginner's running program. At first I wondered how I got on such a mailing list. It's not like I'm a member of a gym or anything else remotely athletic or fitness related. The idea intrigued me.

I've met a few runners recently and one thing I've noticed--none of them are overweight.

I loved to run when I was 12 to 14 years old. I didn't realize it at the time, but not only did it help me physically, it also helped me mentally. I was definitely running away from a lot of issues then. Running freed me.

So after seeing, meeting, remembering all these running signs, I've decided to run.


  1. Good for you. I wish I could run, but we'll save that for a private conversation as to why I can't. I walk. I need to walk more though. I'll be anxious to see how this works for you. We know Josh is a runner! Run Forest Run!

  2. Do I have to run to catch you now? Wow! After all this time being married to you. Now I'll have to get in shape too, so I can catch you!No..but seriously..Run and have Fun! I'll be with ya. Love Ya!

  3. Ruth Running! I am gleeful! If you want to train on the Katy Trail, come on over. Hey, maybe Lynn and I can walk while you run circles around us! I really am excited for you, Ruth. I know the benefits - mostly mental! - of doing some sort of regular exercise and am very happy you are discovering that, too! Between running and hefting all those boxes and parts in the warehouse, you are going to be one buff little mama! My love and support to you!
