Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 3

Woke up at 5:00 am and drank water. Went back to bed, but couldn't sleep because there was a buzz saw next to me, then Josh came in at 5:40, then Obie was bouncing around like a spastic ping-pong ball (he loves morning because it's time to eat).

Enough already--I'm up.

Got dressed, let the dogs out, let the dogs in. Josh had planned to go with me but his tummy wasn't feeling good, so he opted to stay home. It was 30 degrees outside, so I opted for the mall again.

At the mall I discovered I forgot my water bottle. Darn. Grabbed some money to buy a water in the mall. Found the first vending machine, $1.50 a bottle. Glad I had two dollars. Insert bills, punch in A8, tray goes up to collect bottle and then I realize there's something else in the tray. My water hits it and gets stuck. I think--maybe I'll get both. I give the machine a little punch, my water falls down, but only the something else is slid to the exit. My water will go to the next vendee. Darn. I got a Powerade punch flavor. Oh well, it could be worse.

No, it's the worst. Who drinks this stuff? Yuck. And the bottle was big and uncomfortable to hold. I do my walk and gag down the Powerade punch. Yuck.

I finally got to see the sun come up this morning. It was cloudy and gray earlier in the week. So I got to celebrate my favorite time of the day with the completion of my first week's training. But don't EVER call me a morning person--I just like the sunrise.

I have discovered two things that will need to be remedied to make my running more comfortable. One--I don't like holding a water bottle. It's cold, and then sweaty until it warms up and I have to keep switching hands. Two--my cell phone and keys in the pocket of my jacket are not going to feel good bouncing around.

I found a solution to all of those problems at my new favorite running store and since they sent me a coupon (love the freebies), I found all manner of belts, clips and pocket things. Wasn't sure if I'd like any kind of belted thing, but the clip on pocket-holders would only solve my storage problem. I'd still have to hold a water bottle. So I got a belted bottle holder with a zipper pocket. Of course it's made for runners, specially shaped, padded with air flow fabric, etc. I came home, filled the 20 ounce bottle with water and strapped it on. The bottle is held on the small of my back and is very easy to grab and replace while moving. I was surprised at how comfortable it is. I'll give it the real test on Monday--when I start running!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be interested to see how the actual running goes. No worries about calling you a morning person :-) I know better. Sunrises are the best though, well sunsets are too!
