Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 1

I set the alarm for 5:45 with a backup based more on reality at 6:15 and a true reality check that I could do my 30 minutes anytime between when I wake up and when I go to bed.

Five fifty, I'm up. Who am I?? I'm dressed and ready; it's just after six. But now I know why I don't get up at this hour. I look like hell! I look really, really

Weather check--cold. I think it's raining, but it's too dark to tell. I'm up, the sun is not. What is wrong with this picture? Not wanting to get my brand new shoes wet, I opt for the mall. Mills Mall opens at 6:00 am for walkers. Perfect.

The mall looks deserted. I'm wondering if the mall still opens early for walkers. The automatic doors to the mall don't open, but the side door is. I'm in. I can hear the conversation of the workers at Children's Palace. I stretch and warm up, zero my pedometer and take off. This place is kind of creepy with everything closed. All the little games and some vending machines make noise and talk, some stores leave music playing. Is that to make people think there's someone home?

I pass two separate walkers. I catch a profile of myself in a window reflection. Whose butt is following me? Oh, that is me. Walk faster.

Walk? Yes. According to "the plan" I'm supposed to walk the first week. But I walked with purpose, arms in forward motion, a comfortable stride. I'm not sure just how fast I'm supposed to go. Thirty minutes, three times a week--that's the plan and a gradual build up to a full run for 30 minutes. I forgot to check the exact time when I started, so I went a little longer to make sure.

I'm also supposed to take a day off in between, but I'm free to do all the abdominal exercises I want. Yippee.

See you on Wednesday.


  1. I'm so proud of you! You did it! Yippee! And you are funny too! I hopped on the bicycle today.

  2. i know, this is hilarious and a wonderful makes me feel lazy just reading it! i think i need new shoes.

  3. Oh Aunt Ruth, I just heard about your blog. I too am starting a running program called couch to 5k. Its supposed to get people off their couch and running 3 miles nonstop in 9 weeks. I'm very excited about it. It sounds like it may be the same program your doing?
