Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 4 - Week 2

With the forecast looking good this week, my thoughts turned to training outdoors. Obviously my first thought was to just walk out my door and around my neighborhood. Then I realized how many hills are in this subdivision. Hmmm.

Do I want to try to run uphill and feel defeated or run downhill and get a false sense of accomplishment? I decided that during "training" I'm giving myself a even playing field. I'll stick to level, flat terrain. I'll challenge myself with hills later. I need to be as successful as possible to keep my motivation up. I don't want to come up with excuses--I couldn't quite run the full time because it was uphill. I want to be fair to myself.

My outdoor options: Howdershell Park--has a paved half-mile path. Queen Ann and St. Ferdinand Parks-both have paved paths but not sure of the distance. Going a little farther away is Creve Coeur Park and of course the Katy Trail--can't get much flatter than that but I doubt I'll go the whole 300 miles.

Today I chose Howdershell Park. Had to scrape the ice off my windshield since I left the truck out and wondered -- Is today a good day to train outdoors? Seems a bit chilly. Put on another layer and a hat. Remembered my spiffy new water bottle belt but forgot the pedometer.

It was chilly. No, it was cold. Do I wimp out, go back to the truck and go to the mall? Maybe I should plan on going later in the day. No. Shut up and keep walking. Wish I had gloves. Pull my sleeves down around my hands. That feels better. Wishing my "warm-up" had more warmth in it. I pick up the pace and start my nine minute walk. Run for one minute. Walk for nine mintues. Run for one. Walk for nine. Run for one. Start my "cool down" which I don't really want to do since I'm finally feeling comfortable.

I did it! I ran for three one-minutes. Woo-hoo! I know that musn't sound like much, but running is not walking. Duh. Even the difference between speed walking and running is remarkable.

I think I can do this.


  1. Hip Hip Hooray You Ran Today!

  2. Way to go, Ruth! I love your thought processes as you go through your routine.
